2025 Manhattan Summer Camps

Manhattan summer camps

The most comprehensive listing of summer camps in Manhattan, NY.

Camp Tech Revolution
Held at New York University
Ph: (646) 308-1555
Email: info@LavnerCamps.com
Website: www.LavnerCamps.com
Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps
40+ Weekly Tech Camps from $819 per week! Robotics, Minecraft, Roblox, Coding, YouTube, Chess, Game Design, Digital Art, 3D Printing, Spy Tech & More! Ivy League/Top-Tier Instructors.

Summer Camps at L’Alliance New York
22 E 60th Street, New York, NY 10022
Phone: (212) 355-6100
Email: languagecenter@lallianceny.org
Website: LAllianceNY.org

Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps
L’Alliance New York offers year-round language immersion drop-off camps for all French speakers, ages 3-18. Half- and full-day options and discounts for multiple weeks and siblings are available.
Model United Nations Institute
Day & Overnight Camps Held at Columbia University
Ph: (646) 308-1411
Email: support@bestdelegate.com
Website: MUNInstitute.com
Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps
Step into the shoes of global leaders, tackle pressing issues, enhance your public speaking & debating, get daily personalized feedback from champion mentors, gain confidence & make friends! Ages 11–18




2025 Manhattan Summer Camps

Manhattan summer camps

The most comprehensive listing of summer camps in Manhattan, NY.

Manhattan Summer Camps  Add Your Camp
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Manhattan Art Camps
Brains & Motion Education Summer Camps
Multiple locations within New York City & Long Island
Phone: (877) 202-1554
Email: contact@brains-and-motion.com
Website: www.Brains-and-Motion.com
Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps
Watch your budding artists flourish! Our performing & visual arts camps blend creative expression with skill-building techniques to enhance your child’s artistic abilities. Save $50 with code SCD50!
Manhattan summer camps
Creatively Wild Art Studio Camps
98 Water Street, DUMBO Brooklyn, NY 11201

Phone: (917) 543-8130
Email: hello@creativelywildartstudio.com
Website: www.CreativelyWildArtStudio.com/camps

Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps

Brooklyn's Favorite Art Camps. Happy Campers dive into artistic media on fun themes + topics. Summer Camps Mondays-Fridays. Fall Holiday Camps Sep 15-Dec 29 /Public Holidays + School Recess
Manhattan summer camps

Ballet Academy East Summer Programs
1651 3rd Avenue, 3rd floor, New York, NY 10128
Contact: Diane Miller-Chapman
Phone: (212) 410-9140
Email: info@BAENYC.com
Website: www.BalletAcademyEast.com

Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps

A four or eight week session of dance; Mon.-Thurs. for girls ages 4-9. Program includes dance plus yoga, cooking, arts & crafts, drama, & more! Also Summer Classes & Summer Intensives available.

Manhattan summer camps

Action Arts Summer Camp
525 W 120th Street, New York, NY 10027
Contact: Jamie Sporn
Phone: (917) 561-9624
Email: ActionArtsCamp@yahoo.com
Website: www.TC.Columbia.edu

Manhattan summer camps

The Ailey School Summer Intensive
405 W 55th Street, New York, NY 10019
Contact: Tracy Inman or Melanie Person
Phone: (212) 405-9000
Website: www.The AileySchool.edu

Manhattan summer camps

The Barrow Group Summer Classes, Intensives & Camps
312 W 36th Street, 3rd floor, New York, NY 10018
Phone: (212) 760-2615
Email: School@BarrowGroup.org
Website: www.BarrowGroup.org

Manhattan summer camps

Atlantic Acting School Summer Programs
76 9th Avenue, Suite 537, New York, NY 10011
Phone: (212) 691-5919
Email: Admissions@AtlanticTheater.org
Website: www.AtlanticActingSchool.org

Manhattan summer camps

Summer Art Classes & Mini-Camp Workshops
1412 2nd Avenue, New York, NY 10021
Contact: Wendy
Phone: (212) 410-9780
Email: WendyKidsAtArtNYC.com
Website: www.KidsAtArtNYC.com

Manhattan summer camps

Writopia Full Day Camps
155 W 81st Street, Suite A, New York, NY 10024
Phone: (212) 222-4088
Email: info@WritopiaLab.org
Website: www.WritopiaLab.org

Manhattan summer camps

2025 Manhattan Summer Camps

Manhattan summer camps

The most comprehensive listing of summer camps in Manhattan, NY.

Manhattan Summer Camps  Add Your Camp
Manhattan Summer Camps F. A. Q. Manhattan Summer Camps Contact Us Manhattan Summer Camps Find camps in:


Manhattan Sports Camps
Brains & Motion Education Summer Camps
Multiple locations within New York City & Long Island
Phone: (877) 202-1554
Email: contact@brains-and-motion.com
Website: www.Brains-and-Motion.com
Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps
Enroll in Brains & Motion Education's Sports Summer Camps! Keep your young athletes active and engaged this summer with a variety of physical activities. Save $50 with code SCD50!
Manhattan summer camps
Central Park Tennis
W 96th Street & Central Park West, New York, NY 10025
Email: cathy@nytennis.net
Website: www.CentralParkTennisCenter.com
We offer full and ½ day fun filled experience for kids ages 4-16, beginner to advanced players. In the heart of NYC’s Central Park. Tennis programs & lessons.  Juniors 6-15-yrs   Tiny Tots 4-7-yrs
Manhattan summer camps
The Movement Creative
Central Park, NY, NY 10020
Contact: Cristina Latici
Phone: (917) 970-2420
Email: info@themovementcreative.com
Website: www.TheMovementCreative.com
Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps
The Movement Creative Camp is a fun, safe, unique activity for ages 6-13. We work in Central Park with high- to lower-energy movement challenges, ball play, nature exploration, & ice cream/popsicle.

Manhattan Fencing 2025 Summer Camp
15 W 37th Street, New York, NY 10018
Contact: Julia Gelman
Phone: (212) 382-2255
Email: ManhattanFencing@gmail.com
Website: www.ManhattanFencing.com
Manhattan summer camps
Learn one of the most elegant, exhilarating and safest sports which teaches discipline, coordination and sportsmanship in NYC’s Olympic fencing facility.
 Manhattan summer camps
Kids in the Game Summer Camp
157 Columbus Avenue, Ste 534, New York, NY 10023
Phone: (808) 262-4538
Email: info@KidsInTheGame.com
Website: www.KidsInTheGame.com
Manhattan summer camps
8-week camp for Pre-K-8th grade. Enjoy sports, arts & crafts, academics, yoga, zumba, & special field trips to museums, the zoo, ballgames & more! Camp from 9-4 daily (+ before & after care)
Episcopal Charities Summer Recreation
1047 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10025
Ph: (212) 316-7575
Email: episcopalcharities@dioceseny.org
Website: www.EpiscopalCharities-NewYork.org
Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps
Our program is part of the national Freedom School network. Our mission is to promote civic participation among young children & their families & foster a love of reading that leads to academic excellence.
Manhattan summer camps
Learn to Row Camp
30 Meadow Lake Trail, Flushing & 3579 Harlem River Drive, NY , NY
Contact: Nancy Voyles
Phone: (718) 433-3075
Email: nvoyles@rownewyork.org
Website: RowNewYork.org
Manhattan summer camps
Summer Day Camps
555 E 90th Street, New York, NY 10128
Contact: Katie Duffy
Phone: (212) 298-7900
Email: Camps@AsphaltGreen.org
Website: www.AsphaltGreen.org

Manhattan summer camps

City Sail Summer Camp
W 26th Street & 12th Avenue, New York, NY 10001
Phone: (212) 924-1920
Email: info@HudsonSailing.org
Website: www.HudsonSailing.org
Manhattan summer camps

Chelsea Piers Summer Sports Camps
62 Chelsea Piers, New York, NY 10011
Phone: ( 212) 336-6846
Email: Camps@ChelseaPiers.com
Website: www.ChelseaPiers.com

Manhattan summer camps

Jodi's Gym Summer Camp
244 E 84th Street, New York, NY 10028
Contact: Jodi
Phone: (212) 772-7633
Website: www.JodisGym.com

Manhattan summer camps

Summer Camp at Pine Street School
25 Pine Street, New York, NY 10005
Phone: (212) 725-0939
Email: info@PhysiqueSwimming.com
Website: www.PhysiqueSwimming.com
Manhattan summer camps
Vanderbilt YMCA Summer Camp
224 E 47th Street, New York, NY 10017
Contact: Robin Nathaniel
Phone: (212) 912-2559
Email: RNathaniel@YMCANYC.org
Website: www.YMCANYC.org
Manhattan summer camps
92Y Camps
1395 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10128
Contact: Allison Valchuis
Phone: (212) 415-5500
Website: www.92Y.org
Manhattan summer camps

2025 Manhattan Summer Camps

Manhattan summer camps

The most comprehensive listing of summer camps in Manhattan, NY.

Manhattan Summer Camps  Add Your Camp
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Manhattan Academic Camps

Summer Friends
222 E 16th Street, New York, NY 10003
Contact: Robin Hoffmann
Phone: (646) 979-5065
Email: RHoffmann@FriendsSeminary.org
Website: www.FriendsSeminary.org

  Manhattan summer camps

Camp programs for ages 3, 4 and 5. Each program is tailored to focus on social, emotional, intellectual & physical growth through a full range of activities. 3-year olds also work on cooperative play.

Manhattan summer camps

Episcopal Charities Summer Recreation
1047 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10025
Ph: (212) 316-7575
Email: episcopalcharities@dioceseny.org
Website: www.EpiscopalCharities-NewYork.org
Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps
Our program is part of the national Freedom School network. Our mission is to promote civic participation among young children & their families & foster a love of reading that leads to academic excellence.
Manhattan summer camps

iCanMandarin Summer 2019
Robert F. Wagner School, 220 E 76 Street, New York, NY 10021
Contact: Jeff Wang
Phone: (212) 381-0831
Email: info@iCanMandarin.com
Website: www.iCanMandarin.com

Manhattan summer camps

Camp Quartier d’été
505 E 75th Street, New York, NY 10021
Contact: Amy Zuflacht
Phone: (212) 439-3825
Email: AZuflacht@LFNY.org
Website: www.LFNY.org

Manhattan summer camps

ACT Vacation Camps
1047 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10025
Contact: José V. Torres
Phone: (212) 316-7530
Email: ACT@StJohnDivine.org
Website: www.ACTPrograms.org

Manhattan summer camps

Summer Camp-Like Enrichment Program
888 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10065
Contact: François Thibaut
Phone: (212) 628-2700
Website: www.LanguageWorkshopforChildren.com

Manhattan summer camps

St. Bart's Summer Camp
325 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022
Phone: (212) 378-0203
Email: info-Camp@StBarts.org
Website: www.StBarts.org

Manhattan summer camps

FasTracKids Summer Camp
307 E 84th Street, New York, NY 10028
Contact: Bharti Malkani
Phone: (212) 737-3344
Email: UES@FTKNY.com
Website: www.ManhattanEnrichment.com

Manhattan summer camps

STEM Camps
173 W 81st Street, Lower Level, New York, NY 10024
Phone: (212) 600-1010
Email: info@LaunchMath.com
Website: www.LaunchMath.com


Manhattan summer camps

2025 Manhattan Summer Camps

Manhattan summer camps

The most comprehensive listing of summer camps in Manhattan, NY.

Manhattan Summer Camps  Add Your Camp
Manhattan Summer Camps F. A. Q. Manhattan Summer Camps Contact Us Manhattan Summer Camps Find camps in:


 Manhattan Specialty Camps

Steve & Kate's Camp
Locations in Upper East Side, Upper West Side & West Village
Phone: (415) 389-5437
Email: letschat@steveandkate.com
Website: SteveAndKatesCamp.com
Manhattan Summer Camps Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps
Ages 4-12. Activities include sewing, coding, film, maker crafts, sports & more. Buy any number of days to use at any time–no weekly sessions required! Lunch, snacks, & all hours (8am-6pm) included.
NORY STEM + Sports Camp
WS, UES, Chelsea, Gramercy, Tribeca, Fidi, Brooklyn
Contact: NORY HQ
Phone: (917) 521-6630
Email: hello@nory.co
Website: www.Nory.co
Manhattan summer camps
"Like Disney World, but with the coolest robot building, woodworking, & coding projects!” NORY, NYC's largest STEM camp, inspires future changemakers (3-12) at 10+ locations with soccer & swim options.
Brains & Motion Education Summer Camps
Multiple locations within New York City & Long Island
Phone: (877) 202-1554
Email: contact@brains-and-motion.com
Website: www.Brains-and-Motion.com
Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps
Join Brains & Motion Education's STEAM & Sports Summer Camps for ages 6-14! Experience hands-on activities, make friends, and explore future careers. Save $50 with code SCD50!
Manhattan summer camps
The Movement Creative
Central Park, NY, NY 10020
Contact: Cristina Latici
Phone: (917) 970-2420
Email: info@themovementcreative.com
Website: www.TheMovementCreative.com
Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps
The Movement Creative Camp is a fun, safe, unique activity for ages 6-13. We work in Central Park with high- to lower-energy movement challenges, ball play, nature exploration, & ice cream/popsicle.

Downtown Day Camps
120 Warren Street, New York, NY 10007
Contact: Gabi Ajami
Phone: (212) 766-1104
Email: Gabi@ManhattanYouth.org
Website: www.ManhattanYouth.org
Manhattan summer camps Manhattan summer camps
Experience “country day camp” in NYC! Activities designed to broaden interests & experiences. We honor physical, emotional & social needs of kids & help them find success in activities & relationships.
Manhattan summer camps
Oasis in Central Park
795 Columbus Avenue, New York, NY 10025
Contact: Avita
Phone: (646) 698-1800
Email: CentralPark@OasisChildren.com
Website: www.OasisChildren.com
Manhattan summer camps
Zoo Summer Camps
Various NYC Locations
Phone: (800) 433-4149
Email: bzeducation@wcs.org
Website: https://BronxZoo.com/
Manhattan summer camps

RoboFun Summer Camp
2672 Broadway, Loft A, New York, NY 10025
Phone: (212) 245-0444
Email: info@robofun.org
Website: www.RoboFun.org

Manhattan summer camps

Collina Italiana Summer Camp
1556 3rd @ 87th Street, Suite 603, New York, NY 10128
Contact: Cristina Ciarcelluti
Phone: (212) 427-7770
Email: info@CollinaItaliana.com
Website: www.CollinaItaliana.com

Manhattan summer camps

Dwight Summer Day Camps
2116 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10029
Phone: (917) 551-6430
Email: Director@DwightSummerCamp.org
Website: www.DwightSummerCamp.org

Manhattan summer camps

play:ground NYC Summer Camp Adventure on Governors Island
40 Barry Road, New York, NY 10004
Phone: (347) 470-4238
Email: adventure@play-ground.nyc
Website: www.Play-Ground.NYC

Manhattan summer camps